Hair Removal

Achieve beautifully hair-free skin year-round thanks to our advanced hair removal technology: SHR.⁠ SHR stands for Super Hair Removal and it’s the latest breakthrough in hair removal technology. It’s IPL, but faster, easier and most importantly- painless! ⁠

While common IPL and laser technologies are only suitable for candidates with light-medium skin tones and darker hair growth, SHR can be used on all skin tones and hair colours. It is also very gentle, making it a great option for more sensitive areas. ⁠

Like traditional IPL/laser, approximately 6-10 sessions every 4-6 weeks are needed to achieve hair-free skin.



  • Lasting hair reduction

  • Pain-free

  • Suitable for all skin tones & hair colours

  • Can be used on all parts of the body